Have a Widget to Sell?
If you have a widget, a physical product that can be packed and shipped, you should be selling on Amazon and setting up Amazon Ads. Make sure this widget is good quality and something in demand. Think about it…when people want to research something they Google it, but when they want to buy they go deep into Amazon.
The shopping tide has turned so much that a survey of 100 retail marketing executives by Nanigans shows that over half of these wizards are planning to increase their ad spend on Amazon and are shifting their budgets from Facebook and Google to Amazon. Take a tip from the big guns and get your game going with Amazon Ads.
“Google has search data, and Facebook knows interest levels, but Amazon has real power because it knows what people are buying and how they’re doing it,” says Shareen Pathak in Digiday.
If you’re familiar with Google Ads, working with Amazon Ads will not be a huge learning curve.
Let’s add some ads and sell more!
1.BID FOR YOUR LISTING: When you sign up for Amazon’s Seller Central you get to bid for keywords similar to snagging SEO Google AdWords. The higher your bid the higher your widget will show up in the search.
2.SELF-SERVE vs PREMIUM ADS: Using Amazon PPC (Pay Per Click) SELF SERVE ADS your widget will show up with the subtle title of “Sponsored” when a customer searches for their new whatchamacallit. It sounds like an endorsement and encourages the shopper to click. If they do, the seller will pay for that ad whether the shopper buys or not. Reports are the click is rarely more than $.35. PREMIUM ADS are more like display ads, but cost more, and can pop up in places other than an Amazon search. Think about your audience and budget to help you decide your best option.
3.WATCH YOUR RESULTS: Amazon has very exacting data about Lookie Lous and buyers. Through Seller Central you’ll be able to review your results and decide how to tweak your campaign by keyword selection or type of ad, just like the huge retailers.
*Considering Prime service has surpassed the 100-million-subscriber mark and now has 101 million subscribers in the U.S., don’t miss out on this huge crowd. The bottom line is, again, if you have a tangible product that you want the world to find, now is the time to consider utilizing all that Amazon offers.
Here are tips for getting your product ranked well on Amazon, as this can determine how much you sell every day – by James Fend, Founder of Helpify and Feedbackz.
**By Don Reisinger, Fortune.com
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