What Does Your Online Reputation Look Like?
Everything changes all the time, what is being said about you online could be too. Creating and keeping a good online reputation takes work and is an ongoing process that all brands need to be involved in.
Online reputation monitoring clearly has a big impact on a company’s revenue. Many businesses don’t consider the potential losses in sales, press coverage and more until long after the damage is done. Would you like to learn an easy and extremely helpful way to monitor it? Then Click Here.
Preventing an online reputation issue is easier than cleaning one up.
You need to plan on how to use the online platforms that will best reach your market and then monitor them.
If you find a bad review, you should reply to it. Don’t ignore it. Give them an alternative, something to show that you care about their bad experience and want to make it right for them.
If there is an issue with a customer or a service / product, and it is not quickly answered and resolved by your company, your customer can now easily tell thousands of people within minutes. Between social media and online directories they can let everyone know what they have experienced, so when new customers are searching for you guess what they may find.
The good news; they will hopefully find the great reviews on those sites too!
Did you know that:
- “79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.”
- “A one-star increase in Yelp rating leads to a 5-9% increase in revenue.”
- “73% of consumers say positive reviews make them trust a business more.”
- “77% of consumers read less than 6 reviews before they form an opinion.”
- “85% of consumers conduct online research before making a decision.”
More and more, people are searching and researching online before they buy. The percentages are only growing. They believe what the online reviews are saying, having more trust in strangers than they do in advertising of any kind.
- “39% of customers continue to avoid vendors two or more years after a bad experience.”
- “69% of customers attributed their good customer service experience to a quick resolution of their problem.”
- “95% of customers share bad experiences and 87% share good experiences with others.”
What is being said out there about your company or services and products? Do you know?
Boomerang Social in Raleigh, North Carolina can help you monitor your online reputation, letting you know what is being said about your company and where. That way a response can be made and a chance to create a happy customer and fan again. You do want them coming back and telling everyone what great customer service you have, right! Just give us a call at 919.578.8515 so we can discuss your online reputation.
*Statistics from www.isocialreviews.com/online-reputation-statistics and http://www.zendesk.com/resources/customer-service-and-lifetime-customer-value