Nextdoor Connects You To The Local Community
Nextdoor advertising helps your business connect with the neighborhoods you want to reach whether it is directly around your brick and mortar or out in surrounding areas. Is your business on Nextdoor yet?
Free Business Posting
How It Works
It’s easy! Select which neighborhoods you want to reach, build your ad with our helpful Local Deal ad building tools, and watch your ad’s performance on the Insights Dashboard.
As we start to see performance come through, we are sure to customize your Local Deal to get optimal results.
Free Business Page
Businesses can create a free page and post to their neighborhood in the same ways neighbors can: share updates, crowdsource for feedback, and get the attention of potential customers. Members can then react, publicly reply, and reach out via direct message.
It’s Perfect For Your Business
Every business has something to gain from engaging with their neighborhood. Business posting allows business owners to share key updates and then engage with their local neighborhood.
Local Deals help businesses looking to drive foot traffic, generate quality leads, or increase sales by getting the word out loud and clear.
If you are interested in advertising on the Nextdoor App, give us a call and let’s talk.